In 1945, after the end of the war, Thonet family property was confiscated and nationalised under a series of laws known as Beneš decrees. This included factories in Bystřice pod Hostýnem, Halenkov and Koryčany, large country manors in Vsetín and Velké Uherce, and department stores in Prague and Brno. Thonet was converted into a national enterprise and in 1953 renamed to Továrny ohýbaného nábytku [Bentwood furniture factories], better known under the acronym TON. Various Thonet facilities were reorganised and subdivided in line with new socialist ideas about organising production. Despite the reorganisation, the Bystřice factory continued to produce classic Thonet furniture, with new designs added under the leadership of architects Antonín Šuman, Radomír Hofman, Josef Macek and others. Some of their designs were prized both at home as well as abroad.